Home » Franka Emika Panda – The best collaborative robot for small payloads and lab use

Considered the worlds most leading collaborative robot brand for research, development, education and high accuracy applications. Discover why today!

Franka panda robot with a yellow balloon
Franka Panda Robot is highly collaborative with force sensors on all 7 axis

7 Axis Flexibility

The Panda Robot from Franka Emika Panda is a highly collaborative 7 axis robot with great integration and flexibility options. 

Considered as one of TIME Magazines product of th year 2018, keep reading to find out why the PANDA is considered to be the “GO TO” robots for research and development functions. 

Key Stats: 

Reach: 850mm 

Payload: 3kg

Interfaces: Ethernet TCP/IP for visual intuitive programming with Desk, Input for external enabling device, input for external activation device or a safeguard 

Mounting Flange: DIN ISO 9409-1-A50

Weight: 18kg

Protection Rating: IP30

Pose Repeatability: <+/- 0.1mm

Path Deviation: <+/- 1.25mm 

Whats in the box?

Every standard FRANKA PANDA purched through POMO ROBOTICS comes with the following equipment:

  1. Franka Panda 7 Axis
  2. Franka Controller Interface License for single user
  3. Pilot Activation Device
  4. Grippper – 2 Finger
  5. External Activation Device
  6. External Enabling Device
  7. Emeregency ESTOP – Hardwired
  8. Connection Cable 2.5m
  9. Basic Training
  10. Mounting Plate


For customers wishing to purchase additional equipment, the following are available:

  1. Cobot Pump – Suction Cup Tool
  2. Bench Clamp

FCI License

The Franka Controller Interface (FCI) allows a fast and direct low level bi-directional connection to the robot arm and head. It provides the current status of the robot and enables its direct control with an external workstation PC connected via ethernet.

Users can get access to:

  • Gravity & friction compensated joint level torque commands.
  • Joint position or velocity commands.
  • Cartesian pose or velocity commands.

At the same time, you get access to 1 kHz measurements of:

  • Measured joint data, such as the position, velocity and link side torque sensor signals.
  • Estimation of externally applied torques and wrenches.
  • Various collision and contact information.

You get also access robot model library which provides:

  • Forward kinematics of all robot joints.
  • Jacobian matrix of all robot joints.
  • Dynamics: inertia matrix, Coriolis and centrifugal vector and gravity vector
Example of FCI Architecture

How much does it cost?

For a standard robot package with the FCI License, Bench clamp and cobot pump: GBP 30,000 + VAT

Contact us today to see how we can help you with better pricing hello@pomorobotics.com

Setting up time: 15 minutes

Yes thats right, it doesnt take more than 15 minutes to get a Franka Panda robot setup with a 2 finger gripper. Dont take our word for it. Our partners at WireWorks have done it before and can show you how its done.

Reach out today

Ready to take the leap with FRANKA EMIKA PANDA or have more questions? Reach out to us today;