Lower the cycle times, the faster your robot will be. We look at each step a robot would have to take when taking on a task, assess the resulting cycletimes and select the type and manufacturer of the robot that would fit the purpose.
Every task and motion is assessed along with task infeeds and outfeeds, weights and dimensions and target throughputs. We also look at programming compatibiity and what other ancillary equipment is needed to ensure that the robot is fit for purpose
Robots come in all degress of shapes and sizes. From cartesian style robots to 6 or 7 degree of freedom robots. We assess the suitability of the robot with regards to the task in hand, the target cycle times and the environment and industry that it needs to work in whilst maintaining high levels of safety
End of Arm Tooling is essential to ensure that robots can carry out their task. We look for compatibility of standard EOATs with robots available in the market. Further development work is done to select either pneumatic or electrical tooling based upon the task that needs to be done without impacting cycle times